Monday, September 1, 2008

6dp5dt... nothing

6dp5dt is the point where lots of IVF girls have so many cramps, twinges and other "symptoms", that they decide to take a HPT and get their first positive BFP. Unfortuntately, I don't have a single symptom to report... nothing... no cramps... nothing. DARNNIT!!!!
Well if anyone's interested, here's a picture of my embies...

Here is a picture of my first 2 embies (fresh IVF in April):

And then these are the 2 from FET#1 in June:

I had a cryfest last night with B and we talked about going to CCRM... the timing, the vacation, the costs, everything... it will be sooo difficult to coordinate... but he is so incredibly supportive and told me that we won't give up. I just wish we didn't have to go through this, and I really hope there is a healthy baby in our future.


Maria (MKC101103) said...

Don't give up hope!!! I had ZERO symptoms before my BFP. I can't wait till you POAS. My fingers are crossed for you!!

Unknown said...

I didn't have any symptoms either. Good luck!!!
